Sixty Year 7 students have ‘planted a tree for the jubilee’ to mark The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations in 2022. The trees were supplied by the Woodland Trust who are running ‘The Queen’s Green Canopy Scheme’ to create a network of individual trees, avenues, copses and woodlands in honour of The Queen’s service and the legacy she has built. It is hoped that this will create a green legacy, with the trees planted bringing benefits to people, wildlife and the climate, now and in the future.

The tree planting season is from October to March, so our students braved the cold to make Denbigh’s contribution to the ‘Green Canopy’. The 30 saplings planted were Hazel, Dogwood, Dogrose, Crab Apple and Hawthorne. Signs were made by the Design Technology Faculty using its Laser Cutter to record the names of the students who planted the saplings. All the materials used were recycled.

Andrea Frame, Head of School said: ‘This was a lovely event for our students. They really enjoyed planting the saplings and learning about the ‘Green Canopy’ and The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations this year. We chose Year 7 students as they have the best opportunity to see the trees grow during their time with us and to see our very own ‘Green Canopy’ flourish.’